
Release 14 is online, N= 63,434

Release 14 adds 16,074 new mitotypes from 33 countries. EMPOP now holds 10,648 forensic quality full mitogenomes.

Removal of subclades

Removal of subclades F1a1a1*2 and F1a1a1*3 due to implausible haplotypes of unpublished data.

Update of Metapopulations

Added US Native Americans as metapopulation.

Removal of Pathogenic Variants

Confirmed pathogenic variants are removed from EMPOP mitotypes according to Marshall et al. 2020.

Changes in response to FDAB guidelines

The following changes were performed in line with the FDAB guidelines D`Amato et al. 2024: Removal of mitotypes from accession numbers EMP00007 (Sweden) and EMP00015 (China); metapopulation structure updated and geographic information coarsened.