EMPOP received support from the following funding bodies

European Union 779485-STEFA - ISFP-2016-AG-IBA-ENFSI
Steps Towards a European Forensic Science Area; WP7; Empowering Forensic Genetic DNA Databases for the Interpretation of Next Generation Sequencing Profiles (dna.bases); 2018-2020

Daniel-Swarovski-Förderungsfonds (DSF), DSF-2015-1-1
"Helena’s many daughters: massively parallel sequencing provides further insights into the most common West Eurasian mtDNA control region haplotype at the highest resolution"; 2016

Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung und des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in Tirol (TWF), UNI- 404/1998
"Die vielen Töchter der Helena"; 2017-2019

Medical University of Innsbruck - MUI START Grant, 2013042025
"Helena, the hidden beauty: molecular dissection of West Eurasia's most common mitochondrial DNA haplogroup H at the highest resolution"; 2013-2015

US National Institute of Justice 2011-MU-MU-K402
Maximizing mtDNA Testing Potential with the Generation of High-Quality mtGenome Reference Data; 2011-2014

Theodor-Körner-Fonds zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kunst, 3481
Rekonstruktion der Ausbreitung des Menschen durch mitochondriale DNA-Analysen: Fokus Südamerika; 2013-2015

European Union FP7-SEC-2011-285487 EUROFORGEN
European Forensic Genetics – Network of Excellence 2012-2017

FWF Austrian Science Fund: EMPOP - an innovative human mtDNA database, TRL-379; 2007-2010